Pub. 4 2024 Directory

Dear KADA Members,
Despite various challenges and changes in market demand, the automotive industry continues on a path of steady growth. As inventory levels and incentives rise, car dealers are slowly working their way back to pre-pandemic norms. From an association perspective, we have been growing in both dealer membership and vendor partnerships.

By David Moore, 2024 Chairman, KADA

Dear KADA Members,
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your 2024 KADA Chairman — I couldn’t be more honored. Each year presents new changes and obstacles to face in our industry, but it couldn’t be a better time to be a part of KADA. The KADA team and Board of Directors are working hard on your behalf, listening to your concerns and pushing to improve the future for all Kentucky dealers.

By the Kentucky Auto Dealers Association

See what else is inside

Inside you will find additional information such as membership directory, TIME Quality Dealers, preferred partners, Legislative contacts, important dates and more.

You can download the PDF of the publication by opening the Flipping Book and clicking the download button at the bottom.

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